Home Assistant Automation
Products: WiFi Infrared and automation platform
December 2018 Update: irblaster.info has recently been switching our customers from our custom solution to Home Assistant. When we started our custom automation project we were the first to many innovative automation features. However, Home Assistant has now matured to the point where we can focus our efforts on this project instead which has a much wider user base. Check out our posts on how to integrate all of your favorite irblaster.info infrared products and sensors into Home Assistant
irblaster.info has been installing custom automation solutions for the past 10 years using our own proprietary linux based automation system. Our system allows automation of any mix of equipment and implementation of any feautre with just "a simple matter of programming." We are currently working on sharing this system as open source so our clients can install their own systems.
Example features:
- › Whole House Night Light
- › geo-fenced events
- › HVAC integration
- › sensor logging / databasing
- › alarm integration
- › camera integration
- › Did I leave my garage open?
- › Custom information boards with traffic and weather
- › Google Home / Amazon Alexa integration
- › What's my water usage? Leak Alarms
- › IR Remote control to lighting control
D1 Mini WiFi IR TX/RX Breakout
The D1 Mini breakout contains 3 x 3.5mm T/R/R/S jacks that can directly interface to our IR receivers and emitters. Mutliple IR emitters can be installed via stereo to mono breakout cables. Custom sensors can also be added easily with 3.5mm to bare wire cables. The Breakout cable shown below is pictures with one IR Receiver and one IR Emitter. The breakout board also has a footprint for an LM75 temperature sensor which is not installed by default, btu can be added by special order.
By default we ship boards with the ESP8266 HTTP IR Blaster software which is based on the IR remote ESP8266 with only a few minor modifications:
- - Pinout changed to match the D1 mini
- - DHCP enabled by default
Code from esphomeyaml can be easily uploaded for use under home assistant
3.5mm jack pinouts:
Jack | Tip | Ring1 | Ring2 | Sleeve |
J1 - IR RX / I2C | 3.3V (5V Optional) | D7 (GPIO13) | Ground | D6 (GPIO12) |
J2 - IR TX / MISC | D2 (GPIO4) | D1 (GPIO5) | Ground | D5 (GPIO14) |
K3 - MISC/ANALOG | D4 (GPIO2) | A0 | Ground | D8 (GPIO 15) |
Schematic: esp8266_ir_d1_mini.pdf
D1 Mini breakout board + ESP8266 D1 Mini Only | $13 |
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D1 Mini breakout board + ESP8266 D1 Mini Only + Receiver cable + Emitter Cable ($5 savings) | $27 |
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D1 Mini RJ45 Breakout
Our Wemos D1 Mini RJ45 breakout pulls pins from the Wemos D1 mini to a standard RJ45 jack. This makes connecting up sensors to wifi incredibly easy without any soldering. This listing includes both the breakout board and the Wemos D1 mini board itself. One practical example is connecting door sensors for garage door automations as described on our Home Assistant page. Other sensor connections are just as easy and even the analog pin is brought out for things like water or temperature sensors.
A footprint for an LM75 temperature sensor is included on the board, however the sensor is not populated on this particular listing. Please contact us if you would like a board with this sensor.
Works great with Home Assistant, esphomeyaml, or custom code.
The pinout of the RJ45 jack is as follows:
- 1 = +3.3V
- 2 = A0
- 3 = GND
- 4 = D1
- 5 = GND
- 6 = D2
- 7 = GND
- 8 = D7
Schematic: esp8266_d1_rj45.pdf
D1 Mini RJ45 breakout board + ESP8266 D1 Mini | $13 |
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More information and other WiFi IR Products on our WiFi Infrared page.